Jedi vs Sith
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The story thus far...

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The story thus far... Empty The story thus far...

Post by Aragorn Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:18 am

More than five centuries have passed since the death of Luke Skywalker. Peace rules the galaxy and the Sith are a long forgotten memory. Only the elder races can remember what war is like. Trade and prosperity flourish under the New Republic, and the Jedi ranks swell like never before in their role as peace keepers and diplomats for the wishes of the Senate.

Around this time, a young student of the Jedi makes an astonishing discovery that will change the face of the Galaxy forever.. Uncovering an ancient Sith artifact, it is brought to the Masters Council and it is decided the artifact will be studied at a later date, not seeming to be of much importance and many not wishing to conjure up memories of a time of war and despair. Little did they know that the artifact was intended to be found by the Jedi by a menace lurking in the Shadows...

Over the next decades, slowly the Jedi began to be viewed by many politicians and peoples as bullies, an organization not seeking their best interests. Complaints were raised in the Senate about Jedi treatment of their peoples and customs. Jedi ranks began to dwindle as disillusioned members slowly ebbed away. The Masters Council did everything possible to stop this flow, but it was inevitable. Little did they know that a small object stored deep within their archives was slowly chipping away at the influence they wielded. All this time a dark figure grinned sheepishly in the darkness.. undetected.. patient.

A century later. The Jedi are in almost a state of Chaos! System after system rebel against Senate wishes, either outright slaying or banishing the Jedi from their homeworlds. The Galaxy is almost in a state of civil war when the Senate takes drastic action, recalling all Jedi to Coruscant. It is at this time that a lone figure begins preaching a message of peace and prosperity the likes of which was seen a century ago. His base is on Korriban, and his followers swell rapidly in numbers, many of them force sensitive or Grey Jedi who left the order.

A few years pass.. The Jedi finally discover the source of the darkness in the galaxy, the ancient artifact. But it is too late. The figure on Korriban declares himself the Dark Lord of the Sith, openly and defiantly preaching a system of governance which appeals to many. Promising peace and protection under his rule. The Jedi decide to take action and a war between force users is now inevitable. Almost all planets declare themselves independent now of what appears to be a corrupt and weakened state on Coruscant. The Jedi are thin in numbers but determined to regain control and peace over the Galaxy. Both sides seem to be appealing in there preaching, but only one side will prevail... Heroes arise on both sides, a dark time descends on the Galaxy.
Grand Master of the Jedi Order

Join date : 2009-10-21
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Comments : Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack. ~ Sun Tzu

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. ~ Sun Tzu

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